Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Realized something more today

I realized something more today about this election. I've been thinking a lot about how this is going to go and I've come to the conclusion that it's not really about policies or events or who did what to whom, but it really comes down to how people see the world and based on that world view, they make decisions and act accordingly.

Take for instance the gay marriage issue. If you actually believe that gay people are somehow different from other people in what they want out of life, what they want for their children - yes, many have children, or what they want for their parents, you will find that they want the same things pretty much as anyone else. Good schools for their kids, a safe place to live, a good health care for their parents as they age, a satisfying job, a stable community, and healthy, happy and committed relationships. Pretty much the same as everyone else. If, in your world view, these people are somehow "different" than you are, then it becomes easier to say, "they don't have have same rights." If your world view holds that all people are essentially equal under the eyes of the law, then people getting married is no big deal. Marriage is the act of committing yourself to another person to grow and learn and act as a unit in the world at large. Nothing more than that really. But if you think that gay people are somehow " less than" others and do not make the same commitment, then you might agree with the idea that somehow they should not be allowed to get married. We have been through this many times before - inter-racial marriages were forbidden many years ago for much the same reason I suppose. And this will change, too. People are people no matter who they are in relationship with. That's the beauty of being human.

So, this election will be more about selecting the person that reflects the personal worldview of the person voting in my opinion. We can see what decisions and actions GWB has made based on his world view. We can also see what decisions JFK has made based on his worldview from his record in the Senate.

People will have to decide which worldview most closely matches their own because no one knows what might happen. All bets are off when it comes to knowing what could happen in the next four years given the state of the world. All you can really do is elect someone who, given the circumstances, will make decisions and act in a way that reflects how you would act in the same situation.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Creating something new

I've gotten off the dime today.

I've created something new for a change. I took one of my photos and spent some time with it today and created something new. It's been a LONG time since I have created something new. I've been in this funk lately. I can't seem to shake it. Nothing seems that important anymore. It's as though all of the wind is out of my sails and I'm drifting around with nothing to do and nowhere to go.

I've been reading several really interesting books lately. One called "A Modern History of Palestine" and two classics, "1984" and "A People's History of the United States." Some might not see the History of the United States as a classic, but they ought to I suppose. We are fed quite a line from grade school to high school in public education. Of course, that was years ago and perhaps things have changed. I don't know. I don't have kids and I don't know anyone in high school right now... Well, maybe one kid. I'll have to ask her.

Anyway, for some reason I am totally focused on how cruel people are to one another... and have been for eons. People continue to this day to be cruel to each other. As a practicing Buddhist, I know that it is not "the other" who is doing this. I always have to ask how am I doing this?

How am I being cruel? By not sending money to help starving people around the world is a start. But there must be something more current - more present in my life that is like this. Perhaps I will have to look harder because nothing is really obvious.

Anyway, I am in this funk. That's why I'm not writing I guess.