Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Feeling the heat

In trouble at work. At least that's what I think is happening. It might be a case of the eggplant and the monk, but I'm afraid not this time. You know the old story - the monk is walking back to his hermitage at night and steps on something and squishes it. He walks on and begins to worry that he has squished a frog or some other creature. He worries all night and can't sleep because he believes that he has killed something on the path while returning to his hermitage in the dark.

The next morning, he runs to the spot of the "crime" and finds a squished eggplant on the path. He realizes that he didn't kill anything and that all of the worry and anguish was for nothing. He didn't know what "reality" was - he just thought he knew. He made it all up, worried about it all night, and wasted all that time on something that didn't happen.

I'm in the same position.

I'm worried about an incident that happened at work on Friday. I made a mistake initially and then compounded the mistake by handling it in a way that probably wasn't according to protocol. I did the best I could; explained what I did and why. I just have the feeling that I'm going to get fried for this one. So, am I the monk worrying all night about squishing the eggplant? Or is my gut instinct right - that I'm on the chopping block for this error.

Hard to tell.

Makes me crazy not to know.

What's the lesson?

The lesson is that I don't know what reality is in this case. I know what I did. I know what he did. But I don't know what has transpired since then.



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