Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Experiencing; Not reading

I finished the "Meditator's Diary" this morning and realized that I am one of "those" people who spend more time reading than experiencing. Even now, I am telling myself that I need to go sit and I resist. I don't know why I resist to wholeheartedly, but I totally resist sitting. So, I get to watch what I do and see how this happens for me.

I am jumpy today. I float from one thing to another and never really do anything. I just jump around. I started to watch a movie this morning called "Kippur" and fell asleep. I was bored with the whole thing. Hard to be bored watching a war, but the whole thing moved so slowly that I just fell asleep.

I've just spent some time online looking up the author of the Meditator's Diary. I am amazed. She has written another book about the Hmong people that I must read now that I know something of her background.

It's time to go and sit.

Just do it.


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