Monday, March 28, 2005

It's all very interesting, isn't it?

I have been thinking about this blogging thing today. I am so funny. I worry that someone will read it and then I worry that no one will read it. What a funny thing. It's actually kind of hilarious what we put ourselves through in this life. And, for the most part, it's all made up. We make it up as we go along, as I say.

So, what's happening right now? Well, I revised the template that this uses and added the Feedburner link (give me an idea if this works if you can) and I added their counter. I don't really know how to add these things so I just put them where I think they belong.

I've been playing the "Journey to the Wild Divine" ( again. It am totally fascinated. I get lost a lot along the way but I love it! It is a game to teach meditation/relaxation/energy skills through a biofeedback connection. I am amazed at the effect this thing has on me. Breathing is something that is underrated in this culture. At least I never learned the value of it. Panic, fear, and shame are what they taught in Catholic school so it's refreshing to have something that energizes in a positive way in my life. (I guess I STILL have some issues with the Catholic Church even after all these years. It proves how insidious the brainwashing was. I wonder if the memory removal idea in the movie "Eternal Sunshine.." would work? Now that's an idea that a lot of people could get behind.)

Anyway, the game is very fun and relaxing. It can be played at any time for any amount of time. There is no "goal" and there is no "winning." It is just a game of events. I like that part. When I used to play pick-up hockey in Seattle with a bunch of transplanted East Coast and Midwestern folks, we played without keeping score. I miss games like that. It really wasn't important how many goals were scored, but HOW they were scored. I know, I know... it goes against the American way not to have a winner, but it was so enjoyable to just play for the sake of playing. I wish more things were like that... perhaps the Super Bowl? How many times have you heard, so and so played a better game but the score was... blah, blah. Couldn't we just take a national vote on who played the better game? Who executed their plays with more finesse? It sounds crazy but I think about those things all the time. And for one who used to be a die-hard totally obsessed competitor, (yes, as a matter of fact I have won my share of golf tournaments so I know what winning is like) it is quite a change of heart to think that just playing the game is enough.

That's about it for now. I have to get back to a polymer clay figurine that I am working on today. I like clay right now. I can make anything I can dream up. Writing is like that, too, don't you think?


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